Agent Spotlight: Jacquie Goumas Fox

Tell Us a little bit about your path to becoming a Realtor:

My parents moved to Ohio when I was a senior in high school. When they were on their house hunting trip I came along and as upset as I was about moving, leaving my friends, etc. That trip stayed with me. I was fascinated with the agent and the process of looking at homes as I had never moved before. I went off to college and after I came home (without a clue as to what I was going to do) I had a conversation with my parents and my father reached out to his Realtor and asked her to give me a shot. Little did I know at the time that they had no desire to take a chance on a 22-year-old kid, as at that time the industry was made up of older people, retirees, and part-time agents. I became licensed at 22 years old and haven’t looked back since.

I have worked in residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, and for 15 years I owned a Title Agency, but came back to residential sales, as that is where my heart has always been.

Flashback as a 10-year-old kid. What did you want to become?

A Nurse, as I always wanted to help people. Little did I know then that is exactly what I get to do every day, just in a different capacity.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

The seasons. Ohio is beautiful all of the time! Each season brings its own beauty.

What excites you most about the Central Ohio Housing Market?

The growth and the direction we are going. It literally changes every day. It continues to grow and improve; the appreciation values are incredible, and we don’t see it slowing down. It’s a great place to invest.

Typical Day:

There is nothing typical about my days as no 2 are the same the only consistency is my mornings and evenings:

Wake up between 5 and 6 am, take care of my cats and plants, meditate and exercise, in the shower, and be ready for the day coffee in hand by 8:00 am.  My typical day morning consists of Social Media posting/film/editing, database work for my past, present, and future clients, and Client outreach or preparation work. The middle of the day varies depending on what is going on but showing homes, attending inspections, closings, walk-throughs, listing appointments, working with agents in the office, marketing, and the list goes on! My evenings usually consist of cooking dinner, volunteer work, and time with friends and family.

What sets Vutech Ruff apart from other brokerages:

The people. Our team is an amazing group of individuals who are collaborative, humble professional, and hardworking. Always willing to lend a hand to help. We also have a lot of fun together; weekly office meetings always involve a lot of laughter.  It’s amazing when you can work and laugh with the same group of people.

Special Skills and Talents:

I love to cook and bake. I’m known to bring a great from-scratch cake or throw a wonderful dinner party.

Tell us a little about your family:

I’m lucky enough to have a blended family. I have 1 amazing son and 3 stepkids and 1 daughter in law.

Although they are all grown and on their own, my favorite times are when we are together.

I have amazing parents who are in great health and that I love to spend time with and a wonderful brother and his family. Our family gatherings are some of the highlights of my life.

In the fall my brother and I go away for a week with my parents every year, just the 4 of us like when we were kids. Spouses and Kids are not invited. We head to the beach and just spend quality time with each other. This year will be our 10th anniversary trip and we cherish every moment of it. I consider my family my greatest accomplishment.

In my spare time:

I honestly don’t get a lot of spare time but (Don’t laugh)I love to clean! There is just something so satisfying about working on a great home project and completing it.

Three things I couldn’t live without would be:

My Family

My Cats

My new Jura Coffee Machine. (I’m obsessed)

Agent Spotlight: Kate Sanders

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor…Education background, work experience. 

I went to college both at Kent State University and The Ohio State University. I spent years in the hospitality industry and in Business to Business sales before becoming a licensed agent in 2015.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

The President of The United States of America

Why did you choose to become a realtor? 

In 2014, I was looking for a career change and a friend said to me, “You are such a champion of this city, and you love helping people who are new to Columbus in finding the best neighborhoods, restaurants, etc. You should look into selling real estate”. I decided to research the industry, met with a few brokers, and took about a year to think it through before deciding to take the plunge and get my license in 2015. 

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio? 

I live downtown and I love that there is always something to do in my free time whether it be taking a scenic walk down the Scioto Mile, meeting friends for dinner and drinks in the Short North, or spending a relaxing afternoon in Goodale or Schiller Park. 

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market? 

Columbus has a very strong housing market and local economy. I am excited to see my city continue to grow and bring in talented professionals from around the country who are looking for an affordable city that has a lot to offer in the way of diversity, the arts, and business opportunities. 

Describe your typical day for us. 

I am a firm believer in having a morning ritual to start your day off right. I like to begin with a cup of coffee and one of my favorite podcasts. I am mindful not to look at my emails or social media first thing in the morning so that I have time instead to set intentions for the day and start my workday with a good attitude. I work throughout the day, taking time for a midday workout and often work throughout the evening – whether that be out on listing appointments, showings, or writing/negotiating an offer. No matter how busy my day is, I always end the day by writing down something I’m grateful for and adding it to my gratitude jar and reading before bed. 

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages? 

Our team is a true family of top-tier agents who value each other and our clients. We truly care about the work we do and we spend a lot of time learning how to grow as real estate experts in an ever-changing market to best serve our Seller and Buyer clients. 

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about? 

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious”  

Instead, I’ll tell you a fun fact that most people don’t know: I am obsessed with Jeopardy! and my dream is to one day be a contestant on the show. 

Tell us a little bit about your family. 

I have two elderly cats. That’s it lol 

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

I love to travel, hike, play golf, go to concerts, art exhibits, festivals and plays. I spend time volunteering in my community and run a fundraiser every year to provide both foster children and children in domestic violence shelters with Christmas gifts. 

What are three things you can’t live without? 

Books, music and coffee 

Agent Spotlight: Emily Knoppe

We are proud of the team we have built at Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Our team of qualified agents stands as the cornerstone of our real estate agency, bringing a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to guide you through your real estate journey.  

We are excited to share more about the team behind Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Keep reading to get to know Emily Knoppe. 

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor…Education background, work experience

I graduated from OSU with a Degree in Design. I always loved all things that had to do with houses. I worked as a designer for a number of years and in 2008 started working sales. I have been able to combine my love for homes and my competitive nature for sales to create my dream job.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I absolutely wanted to be a Veterinarian. I have such a passion for animals and I always want to be helping them. When I was little I would help all of the animals out of the window wells so that they had a chance of survival. I could never leave a hurt animal without helping it and I hated to see them scared. I always tried to make sure they felt they were safe with me.

Why did you choose to become a realtor?

I believe because I am highly competitive, I like working with people, I don’t ever want a desk job, and mainly because of my passion for design.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

It’s easy and it feels like home. There is never too much traffic, it’s never really too hot or too cold (I have to live somewhere where there is a change in seasons), it’s affordable, and it’s where my family is.

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market?

I want to say the challenge but what I find really hard these days is getting Buyers and Sellers to not believe the “news” and understand that we live in a bit of a bubble here. What excites me is being able to talk with clients, friends and family about the knowledge that we have as Realtors and what we really provide to Buyers and Sellers. I find it exciting when a client of mine really sees my “value”.

Describe your typical day for us

I get to set the alarm the night before based on my day, meaning, I don’t have a set schedule. Everyday is different. Some days I don’t leave my house and some days I leave at 8AM and don’t get home until 8PM. I guess my typical day would involve, dropping my son off at school, working a bit, working out, working a bit more, picking up my son, working a bit, and then hanging out with the family.

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages?

I can’t speak for other Teams but what I can say is that we are a group of people that love to have fun and laugh. We support each other, we are each others cheerleaders, and we are healthy competitors. I look at my teammates for the drive to be better and to get better at what I do. Jeff and Marilyn have been in this business a long time and even they will admit that they don’t always have the answers. We have our own little family and it feels good to be a part of this group.

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about?

I am really good with color. I think it goes hand in hand with my design background but I can see colors in other colors so I believe I do a good job helping people make good choices. I have a passion for design and I am consistent wanting to change things in our home. The easiest and least expensive way I have figured out to do this is with pillows, paint, and fixtures. Updating a home with paint and fixtures like plumbing and lighting can go a long way in Real Estate.

Tell us a little bit about your family.

I live in Worthington with my husband and 8 year old son. My husband is a Real Estate Investor and people always ask if we talk work a lot. The answer is yes, we both love what we do so we both find it interesting to hear about the other’s day. We bounce ideas off each other and respect each others knowledge in the business. I grew up in Worthington and my husband grew up in Powell yet our paths never crossed until we were both out of college even though we knew a lot of the same people. Our son is a busy body, he is very social and loves to be around people. His teacher called him the “mayor” of the classroom this year. He is into baseball and hockey right now and also plays soccer, basketball, and football. My parents still live in the house I grew up at in Worthington. They have a beautiful lot on the Olentangy River. We live 5 minutes apart which has been amazing for our son to have quality time with them.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I started to enjoying working in the yard. When my husband and I bought our home it was in need of a lot of work. I had a love hate relationship with our yard for a long time because there were a lot of weeds and overgrowth. If its warm and I can put on music and get outside I will. I love the transformation.

What are three things you can’t live without? Besides the obvious of Family and Friends.

Animals – We recently lost our Dog of 12 years and thankfully we have a cat. I don’t think I could live in a home with no animals. They are so amazing.

Starbucks – I love my coffee in the morning. I love the smell and the taste. You can almost always catch me with a Starbucks in my hand.

Fall – I love all things Fall. The crisp in the air, Halloween, scary movies, outdoor fires, the changing leaves. There is nothing better then a chill in the air, watching a scary
movie with a blanket, and a good/drink snack.

Finding your dream home is one thing. Your dream experience is another. Contact us to discuss.  

Agent Spotlight: Kate Giller

We are proud of the team we have built at Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Our team of qualified agents stands as the cornerstone of our real estate agency, bringing a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to guide you through your real estate journey.  

We are excited to share more about the team behind Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Keep reading to get to know Kate Giller. 

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor 

After graduating from college, I returned to Columbus and worked in private banking with Bank One, now JP Morgan Chase, before deciding to stay home with my three young children.  By the time the youngest was in grade school, I knew I wanted to go back to work. I worked in a few different fields before electing to go into residential real estate.   

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

I truly had no idea.   I would have been inclined for a career in business. 

Why did you choose to become a realtor? 

My husband and I had renovated two homes and I loved real estate.  Our habit of renovating continues today.   

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio? 

The people and the energy.  Certainly not the weather!   

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market? 

The Central Ohio housing market can be a real challenge for Buyers, and as of the past few months it is now a challenge for Sellers as well.  I have the diligence to stick with clients for years until they find the right home.   I do like data and the Central Ohio housing market is always providing interesting data because our housing demand consistently outpaces our supply.   

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages? 

Experience and Connections 

Experience – we have a team of experienced realtors always discussing new strategies.  

Connections – We are connected with other top realtors and our client base serves as a tremendous benefit to both our Sellers and our Buyers.   

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about? 

I don’t have any superpowers, but I am long on diligence and drive. 

Tell us a little bit about your family. 

I have three grown children.  The eldest daughter lives in Austin, Texas, my son lives in NYC and my youngest daughter is a junior in college at Boston College.   

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

I love to work out.  It actually helps keeps my mind organized.   

What are three things you can’t live without? 

A good outdoor space, some quiet in my day, and exercise 

Finding your dream home is one thing. Your dream experience is another. Contact us to discuss.