Agent Spotlight: Greg Collins

We are proud of the team we have built at Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Our team is the cornerstone of our real estate agency, bringing a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to guide you through your journey.  

We are excited to share more about the team behind Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Keep reading to get to know Greg Collins.

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor…Education background, work experience.

I earned a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of Kentucky, and spent the next six years as a copywriter for various businesses and institutions such as Nationwide Insurance and Ohio Wesleyan University.

I joined the Vutech & Ruff team in 2018, originally in a logistics capacity, but have since expanded my role by becoming a licensed Realtor. I wear many hats, striving to add value with my flexibility and versatility.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Major League Baseball pitcher.

Why did you choose to become a realtor?

To make myself a more valuable asset to Jeff and Marilyn.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

The people. I find the people of Columbus to be representative of the most reasonable sort of American. We benefit from the vast and diverse “marketplace of ideas” that exists within a city of this size that is also welded to a massive and excellent institution of higher education.

Columbus has been said to have an identity crisis ever since it became the capital in 1816. After having lived here for so many years, I believe that perception is due in large part to the attitude of its population; we’re balanced and measured rather than extreme. We’re proud but not self-aggrandizing. So, crafting a certain identity the rest of the state or country can use to more easily understand us simply isn’t a priority. People in Columbus tend to know how good they have it and that’s infectious.

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market?

Growth is limitless, and so the opportunities are too. The presence of Ohio State means we will always be young. The recent investment our state (and country) has made in making Ohio a crucial global producer will mean there will be plenty of runway for that youth to grow and prosper. There are obstacles, but I’m excited by the rock-solid foundation and the potential.

Describe your typical day for us.

Typically, I drive around the city installing signs and lockboxes, collecting, and delivering checks, solving problems with our team’s various listings, and showing homes to Jeff’s and Marilyn’s clients when they would otherwise be double-booked. Days get very busy when I have all that to do in addition to serving my own clients.

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages?

I’ve not experienced any other teams, but I can’t imagine there are many made up of such skilled high producers who are all devoted to doing the right thing by their clients, teammates, and the public. The amount of attention and resources paid to various forms of philanthropy is especially inspiring.

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about?

I don’t always find enough time for it, but I enjoy storytelling in all its forms especially filmmaking. I’ve done a fair amount of screenwriting and acting ever since I was a kid, and I’ll always love that thrill of storytelling.

Tell us a little bit about your family.

Education is of great importance to my parents. Between the two of them they’ve become a valedictorian, graduated from the oldest and most prestigious high school in the country, and earned four college degrees including a Master’s degree from Harvard Business School.

Although my siblings and I didn’t live up to those achievements, our family remains very close because the one thing my parents valued more than academic success was instilling an unwavering commitment to kindness, empathy, and justice, and I feel we’re all bound by that foundation for how to live.

My sister is a published poet, an animal cruelty investigator, and a mother of two girls. My brother is a recent and decorated graduate of the police academy. I’m very proud of them both. My mother, Mary Collins is a private writing teacher, as well as an English professor at Columbus State University. My father, Neil Collins runs a business incubator called Innovate New Albany and teaches marketing at Dennison University.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy my fiancé and watching sports (like all the sports).

What are three things you can’t live without?

My fiancé, my family, and the works of my heroes, especially Vonnegut, Orwell, Hesse, Kubrick, and Paul Thomas Anderson.

Finding your dream home is one thing. Your dream experience is another. Contact us to discuss.