Building a new house is one thing—making it your home is another thing entirely. Your goal is to move into your newly built home, unpack, and get settled as quickly as possible. Only then can your family thrive in this updated setting. Keep stress at bay during this transition period with these six tips to settle into your new home build.

Keep a Punch List for Follow-Up Meetings

With a new home build, you’ll probably meet with your builder before closing to resolve anything missing, broken, or not working as it should. Then, you can expect follow-up meetings to review anything that has cropped up since you moved in. Until these meetings take place, keep a list of any problems you find to ensure you don’t forget to mention them.

Unpack One Room at a Time—Starting with the Kitchen!

Your first instinct might be to unpack a little here and there in each room, but you can prevent getting overwhelmed by focusing on one room at a time. Since unpacking the kitchen allows you to cook and eat at home, this is where your efforts should begin. After all, nothing makes a house feel like a home more than eating a family meal in the new kitchen.

Hang Window Treatments Right Away

Curtains and blinds are more than just decorations—they allow you to control the light during the day and grant privacy after dark. All the other decorations can wait, but you’ll want to hang your window treatments the day you move in, if possible.

Help Your Kids & Pets Settle In

Moving can be unsettling for children and animals alike. To help make it a positive experience for your kids, let them pick the paint color for their bedroom and ask for their input on furniture placement. Then, help your pets adjust to the unfamiliar environment by sticking to their usual schedule, if possible. Also, put off washing pet toys and bedding for a few weeks to maintain their familiar smell.

Inspect the Electrical, Water & Gas Systems

Don’t wait until an emergency strikes to familiarize yourself with your new home’s utilities. To make sure you’re prepared, locate the breaker box, main water shut-off, and gas shut-off. You’ll be glad you did if you ever have a power outage, plumbing problem, or gas leak.

Introduce Yourself to the Neighbors

As you’re getting settled in, make a point of going outside when you need a break from unpacking. Introduce yourself to the neighbors and consider inviting them to a housewarming party. Being friendly and exchanging phone numbers with your neighbors comes in handy if you need a dog sitter when you go out of town.

Are you looking for a lot to build on in Columbus, Ohio? Turn to Vutech | Ruff, Corcoran Global Living! We have a wide range of lots and new builds available, many of which are in spacious country settings or up-and-coming neighborhoods. For more information, please call us at 614-897-0618 or contact us online today.