The Preston Centre: The New Must-See In Columbus

Vutech | Ruff team members were thrilled to attend the recent open house for the Preston Centre, formerly the PNC Tower on East Broad Street. Hosted by Columbus Landmarks, the event showcased the innovative adaptive reuse of the building, now a bustling hub of mixed-use spaces including residential, office, and retail. The project is Downtown’s largest transformation yet of an office building into residences.

We were pleased to support our good friend, Jeff Edwards, president and CEO of The Edwards Companies, which developed the project. More than seven years in the making, the project involved converting floors 10 through 23 of the 24-story office tower into 105 apartments. 

During the open house, Marilyn Vutech, Anna Vutech, and Emily Ahlering had the opportunity to tour the luxury apartments with incredible views of the city, gorgeous common area spaces that include an art gallery, game room, workout facility, and beautiful outdoor garden-itself an incredible piece of art.

When finished, the building is expected to include up to five restaurants and bars, including Cameron Mitchell’s new Butcher & Rose.

Closing Costs Explained

When you’re buying a home, there’s a lot more to factor in beyond just the purchase price. One of the crucial considerations is closing costs. But what exactly are these costs, and why should you care?

What are closing costs?

Closing costs refer to the various fees and expenses you incur when finalizing the purchase of your new home. They typically range from 2% to 3% of the loan amount and cover essential services like loan origination fees, title insurance, attorney fees, and more. These costs matter because they can significantly impact your overall budget for buying a home. 

Understanding and preparing for closing costs is vital because they ensure the legal transfer of property ownership and protect both you and the lender. By budgeting for these expenses upfront, you can avoid last-minute financial surprises and smoothly navigate the home-buying process with confidence.

In Ohio, closing costs usually include the following:

  • Loan Origination Fees: These are charged by your lender for processing your loan. They typically cover document preparation, underwriting, and other administrative services.

  • Appraisal Fees: Before a lender approves your loan, they need to know the home’s value. An appraisal fee pays for a professional to assess the property’s worth.

  • Title Insurance: Ohio requires both an owner’s title insurance policy and a lender’s title insurance policy. This ensures that both parties are protected against potential claims against the property.

  • Attorney Fees: While it’s not mandatory to hire an attorney for closing in Ohio, it’s highly recommended. An attorney can help review the title work, handle any legal issues, and ensure that the closing documents are accurate.

  • Recording Fees: Local governments charge a fee to officially record the sale of the property, making the transfer of ownership public record.

  • Transfer Taxes: Ohio imposes a transfer tax on real estate transactions, which is typically $1 per $1,000 of the sale price. Some counties may have additional transfer fees.

  • Settlement Fees: Also known as closing or escrow fees, these are typically split between the buyer and the seller in Ohio. These fees cover the cost of the closing agent or title company managing the closing process.

  • Costs associated with property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, mortgage interest, and the home inspection are typically paid upfront rather than at closing.

Who Pays Closing Costs in Ohio?

In Ohio, who pays closing costs can vary and is often negotiable. Typically, the buyer pays for loan-related fees. Title fees, on the other hand, are sometimes split between the buyer and seller, but in Central Ohio, the seller often pays for it entirely. If the selling isn’t covering the costs at closing, you will be required to pay all costs in the form of “guaranteed funds” such as a cashier’s check or wire transfer. Your escrow office or mortgage lender will notify you of the exact amount.

Closing costs are an essential part of buying a home, and knowing what they are and planning for them can make your journey to homeownership much smoother and less stressful. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be ready to close on your new home with confidence.

At Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate, we’re here to make your home-buying or selling experience seamless and enjoyable. We recognize that every buying and selling situation is unique, and we tailor our approach to fit your specific needs and make the whole process as easy as possible for you.

Contact us to get started! 

What to Expect During a Home Inspection

Purchasing a home is incredibly exciting, but before you celebrate it’s important to do your due diligence to determine the overall condition of the home. A home inspection does just that.

Conducted by a licensed professional, a home inspection offers valuable insight into a home’s condition, identifying any “reasonably discoverable” problems with the home, such as a leaky roof or faulty plumbing. With this information, buyers can make informed decisions, negotiate repairs or price adjustments, and, if done proactively by the seller, can help them address issues before listing the property.

What to expect during a home inspection

A home inspection is a visual assessment of a house’s physical structure and mechanical systems, including the roof, ceilings, walls, floors, windows, and doors. Generally, the home inspector will check that major appliances are functional, examine the heating and air-conditioning system, assess plumbing and electrical systems, and poke around the attic and basement. 

During a home inspection, a professional examines the condition of the property, ensuring it is safe, structurally secure, and not a potential money pit with a long list of concealed, but necessary, repairs. To do this, the inspector will look at various aspects of the property, such as: 

  • Exterior:
  • Roof condition 
  • Siding, trim, and exterior paint 
  • Foundation and grading around the house 
  • Driveways, walkways, and steps 
  • Decks, porches, and balconies 

  • Interior: 
  • Walls, ceilings, and floors for damage or defects 
  • Doors and windows for proper operation and sealing 
  • Stairways and railings for safety

  • Structural Components:
  • Foundation integrity 
  • Basement and crawl spaces for moisture and damage 
  • Attic for insulation and ventilation

  • Systems and Appliances:
  • Electrical system, including outlets, switches, and circuit breakers 
  • Plumbing system, including pipes, fixtures, and water heater 
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems 
  • Kitchen appliances for functionality

  • Safety Features:
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors 
  • Fireplaces and chimneys 
  • Garage doors and automatic openers

What a home inspection does not include

Home inspections, while comprehensive, typically don’t cover certain areas and systems, such as:

  • Underground Storage Tanks: Inspectors usually do not assess these due to the difficulty of access and the need for specialized equipment. 

  • Lawn Irrigation Systems: These are often excluded because they require specialized knowledge and equipment to evaluate properly. 

  • Septic Systems: Evaluating septic systems requires a separate, specialized inspection. 

  • Swimming Pools and Spas: These may not be covered in a standard inspection and might need a separate evaluation.

  • Asbestos, Radon, and Lead Paint: Inspectors typically do not test for these hazardous materials; specialized testing is required.

  • Pest Infestations: While inspectors might note visible signs of pests, a thorough pest inspection usually requires a pest control specialist. 

  • Chimneys and Fireplaces: Inspectors may check for basic functionality but often do not conduct in-depth inspections of chimneys and flues. 

  • Cosmetic Issues: Minor aesthetic flaws, such as paint chips or small cracks, are generally not the focus of a home inspection unless they could point to a bigger problem, such as a ceiling water stain.

For these areas, buyers may need to arrange for additional specialized inspections to get a complete assessment of the property. 

When all is said and done, the home inspector will document their findings and provide a detailed report highlighting any issues or potential problems. This report can help you make informed decisions about the property, negotiate repairs, or plan for future maintenance. Any serious issues that arise should be brought to the attention of the seller, and your agent will help you negotiate who should take care of the problems.  

When you work with Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate, you can rest assured that you have a team behind you ready to help with any questions you might have throughout the buying or selling process, including the home inspection.

Agent Spotlight: Jacquie Goumas Fox

Tell Us a little bit about your path to becoming a Realtor:

My parents moved to Ohio when I was a senior in high school. When they were on their house hunting trip I came along and as upset as I was about moving, leaving my friends, etc. That trip stayed with me. I was fascinated with the agent and the process of looking at homes as I had never moved before. I went off to college and after I came home (without a clue as to what I was going to do) I had a conversation with my parents and my father reached out to his Realtor and asked her to give me a shot. Little did I know at the time that they had no desire to take a chance on a 22-year-old kid, as at that time the industry was made up of older people, retirees, and part-time agents. I became licensed at 22 years old and haven’t looked back since.

I have worked in residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, and for 15 years I owned a Title Agency, but came back to residential sales, as that is where my heart has always been.

Flashback as a 10-year-old kid. What did you want to become?

A Nurse, as I always wanted to help people. Little did I know then that is exactly what I get to do every day, just in a different capacity.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

The seasons. Ohio is beautiful all of the time! Each season brings its own beauty.

What excites you most about the Central Ohio Housing Market?

The growth and the direction we are going. It literally changes every day. It continues to grow and improve; the appreciation values are incredible, and we don’t see it slowing down. It’s a great place to invest.

Typical Day:

There is nothing typical about my days as no 2 are the same the only consistency is my mornings and evenings:

Wake up between 5 and 6 am, take care of my cats and plants, meditate and exercise, in the shower, and be ready for the day coffee in hand by 8:00 am.  My typical day morning consists of Social Media posting/film/editing, database work for my past, present, and future clients, and Client outreach or preparation work. The middle of the day varies depending on what is going on but showing homes, attending inspections, closings, walk-throughs, listing appointments, working with agents in the office, marketing, and the list goes on! My evenings usually consist of cooking dinner, volunteer work, and time with friends and family.

What sets Vutech Ruff apart from other brokerages:

The people. Our team is an amazing group of individuals who are collaborative, humble professional, and hardworking. Always willing to lend a hand to help. We also have a lot of fun together; weekly office meetings always involve a lot of laughter.  It’s amazing when you can work and laugh with the same group of people.

Special Skills and Talents:

I love to cook and bake. I’m known to bring a great from-scratch cake or throw a wonderful dinner party.

Tell us a little about your family:

I’m lucky enough to have a blended family. I have 1 amazing son and 3 stepkids and 1 daughter in law.

Although they are all grown and on their own, my favorite times are when we are together.

I have amazing parents who are in great health and that I love to spend time with and a wonderful brother and his family. Our family gatherings are some of the highlights of my life.

In the fall my brother and I go away for a week with my parents every year, just the 4 of us like when we were kids. Spouses and Kids are not invited. We head to the beach and just spend quality time with each other. This year will be our 10th anniversary trip and we cherish every moment of it. I consider my family my greatest accomplishment.

In my spare time:

I honestly don’t get a lot of spare time but (Don’t laugh)I love to clean! There is just something so satisfying about working on a great home project and completing it.

Three things I couldn’t live without would be:

My Family

My Cats

My new Jura Coffee Machine. (I’m obsessed)

Downsizing for Retirement: Do or Don’t?

Retirement is a major life change that may lead you to reevaluate your priorities, and how they might impact where and how you live. If your kids are grown and you no longer need as much space and the upkeep is becoming too much (or just isn’t how you want to spend your time), you might be asking yourself: should I downsize?

The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all answer; choosing to downsize is a big decision that requires careful consideration. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

The Financial Advantage

On the one hand, downsizing can offer financial freedom and flexibility. By selling a larger home, you can reduce your mortgage or eliminate it, freeing up funds for travel, hobbies, or simply enjoying retirement to the fullest. And you’re not just shrinking your living space; you’re also downsizing the accompanying utility bills, property taxes, and maintenance costs. This can be especially beneficial for retirees on fixed incomes who need to carefully manage their expenses.

However, downsizing after retirement doesn’t always guarantee financial gains. While selling your home and moving to a smaller place can potentially free up equity and reduce living expenses, you still need to consider factors like…

  • The Real Estate Market: The value of your current home and the affordability of smaller properties in your desired location can fluctuate based on market conditions. Downsizing during a seller’s market might yield higher returns, while doing so in a buyer’s market could result in lower selling prices.  
  • Transaction Costs: Selling your home involves transaction costs such as real estate agent commissions, closing costs, and potential capital gains taxes. These expenses can eat into any potential financial gains from downsizing.  
  • Housing Costs: While downsizing can reduce certain housing-related expenses like mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance costs, it’s essential to consider other factors like HOA fees, insurance premiums, and utility costs in your new location.  
  • Quality of Life: Downsizing shouldn’t be solely about financial gains. Consider how the move will affect your lifestyle, proximity to family and friends, access to amenities, and overall happiness in your new home.  
  • Investment of Proceeds: If you’re planning to invest the proceeds from selling your larger home, consider the potential returns and risks associated with your investment strategy.  
  • Long-Term Goals: Evaluate how downsizing fits into your long-term financial goals, such as retirement savings, healthcare expenses, and legacy planning.

Practical Benefits

Downsizing also presents an opportunity to simplify life and declutter. After decades of accumulating possessions, many retirees find that downsizing forces them to evaluate what truly matters to them, let go of unnecessary belongings, and create a living space that is more manageable and easier to maintain.

Navigating the Downsizing Process

Ultimately, the choice to downsize depends on your individual preferences, priorities, and circumstances. It’s essential for retirees to carefully consider their financial situation and lifestyle goals to make a choice that aligns with their priorities for their golden years.  

If you do choose to downsize or are at least considering it, the team at Vutech|Ruff team is here to help. Our local real estate agents can help you set the right price for your current house when you sell, find the home that best fits your needs, and understand what you can afford at today’s mortgage rate. With our expert guidance, you can navigate the downsizing process seamlessly and transition to your new home with ease. 

6 Tips for a Hassle-Free Backyard

Maintaining a stunning backyard shouldn’t feel like a full-time job. Luckily, with a few savvy strategies, you can transform your outdoor space into a low-maintenance haven. We have a few tips to help you achieve an envy-worthy backyard without the constant hassle: 

Reduce Your Lawn Size

Grass can provide a lush and inviting backdrop, but managing extensive turf can become overwhelming. Traditional grass varieties demand frequent mowing, watering, and care to stay beautiful. While you can certainly opt for more drought-tolerant grass varieties such as Bermuda grass or Zoysia grass, consider converting areas of your lawn into landscape beds filled with low-maintenance plants, shrubs, and ground covers. This not only reduces mowing but also adds visual interest and biodiversity to your backyard.

Go Easy on the Annuals

While annuals certainly have their place in garden design, especially for providing seasonal color and filling gaps between perennials, they demand regular replanting and care. Perennials, on the other hand, offer lasting beauty with minimal effort. These resilient plants return each year, reducing the need for constant maintenance and saving you time and money in the long run. With deeper root systems and adaptability to local climates, perennials effortlessly thrive, ensuring your garden remains vibrant year after year.

Avoid Rubber Mulch 

Don’t fall for the marketing hype of rubber mulch as a low-maintenance alternative to traditional mulches. Though it may sound like a good idea, it can hinder soil health and plant growth due to poor drainage and heat retention. Instead, opt for organic mulches like wood chips or shredded bark. These natural alternatives suppress weeds, promote healthy soil, and decompose over time, enriching your garden’s ecosystem. 

    Choose Native Plants 

    Incorporating native plants into your garden is another smart way to achieve a low-maintenance landscape. These plants are well-suited to your local climate and soil, so they need less water, fertilizer, and pest management compared to exotic varieties. Once they settle in, native plants are resilient—they handle local weather swings (looking at you, Ohio) like champs and won’t demand much TLC. In addition to conserving resources, native plants also local wildlife and promote biodiversity, making them a sustainable choice for a vibrant and hassle-free garden. 

    Embrace Xeriscaping 

    We know, what is xeriscaping?! Xeriscaping, a landscaping concept that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation, isn’t just for dry regions; it’s a sustainable landscaping solution for all environments. By incorporating drought-tolerant plants, gravel pathways, and rocks, you can create a water-efficient and low-maintenance landscape that thrives year-round.

        Invest in Automatic Irrigation 

        Upgrade your watering routine with an automatic irrigation system. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses equipped with timers deliver water precisely where and when your plants need it, minimizing water waste and ensuring consistent moisture levels. With customizable settings tailored to your garden’s needs, automatic irrigation promotes healthy growth while freeing up your time for relaxation. 

          Your backyard can be a much more relaxing space when you work smarter, not harder. At Vutech & Ruff, Cutler Real Estate, we are committed to making your home-buying journey as seamless as possible. Reach out to us today to discover how we can help you find and settle into your dream home.  

          Celebrating Pride in Columbus

          Happy Pride Month, Columbus! At Vutech | Ruff, we are proud to live in a city that is so welcoming and inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community. There are countless ways to celebrate Pride in Central Ohio. In fact, you can celebrate every weekend in June with the number of celebrations occurring. Let’s take a look! 

          Pride Celebrations Throughout Columbus

          May 31: Bexley Pride Walk: 5:30 PM 

          June 1: Delaware Ohio Pride Fest 24: 10 AM – 5 PM at Boardman Art Park 

          June 2: Stonewall Columbus Pride Brunch Fundraiser at Columbus Athenaeum:11 AM – 1 PM 

          June 2: Worthington Pride: 12 PM – 5 PM 

          June 3: City Hall Pride Illumination Ceremony: 7:30 PM 

          June 6: Pride New Albany Day (includes Paws for Pride, a Pet Costume Contest): 4 PM 

          June 8: Hilliard Pride: 12 PM – 3 PM 

          June 9: Upper Arlington Pride: 1 PM – 5 PM 

          June 14-15: Stonewall Columbus Pride Festival & Resource Fair at Goodale Park: 10 AM – 5 PM 

          June 15: Stonewall Columbus Pride March: 10:30 AM 

          June 22: Reynoldsburg Pride: 4 PM – 8 PM 

          June 22: Westerville Pride Event: 5 PM – 8 PM 

          Grab your loved ones and support, uplift, and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community all month long! 

          Agent Spotlight: Edward Searle

          Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor.  

          Prior to real estate, I was a full-time dance studio owner, specializing in Irish Dancing and traveling the world conducting dance workshops. Before that, I was a dancer touring the world and worked in direct sales. I was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School for boys in Birmingham.

          Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

          At 10, I really had no idea, honestly. I was just enjoying being a 10-year-old!

          Why did you choose to become a realtor? 

          I absolutely love property and genuinely have a passion for helping others. I believe combining the many years of experience I had in competitive dance, which had taught me great discipline and what it takes to win, along with that love I have for property, would be a great recipe for success in Real Estate.

          What is your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio? 

          I love that Columbus has so many charming neighborhoods. I enjoy being in easy reach of other destinations within the US. The people here are welcoming and friendly!

          What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market? 

          The absolutely fabulous and ongoing renovations of beautiful historic homes throughout Central Ohio.

          Describe your typical day for us. 

          My day always starts with a hearty glass of lemon water or cup of tea to kick start the day, followed by a walk around the neighborhood with my two Boson Terriers. I usually then get ready to go into the office and start tackling my to-do list which often involves checking up on things for the buyers and sellers I am working with. I typically work out early in the afternoon, 3 days per week, then have my lunch. Every day is different but from 3 pm onwards I often meet new clients, attend listing appointments, or show homes. My day ends with writing out my to-do list for the following day and a nice read of the newspapers on the phone in bed!

          What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages? 

          We are a very down-to-earth, hard-working bunch who are consistently in the top handful of real estate teams throughout central Ohio.

          What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about? 

          I am a former World Irish Dance Champion (2005) and the winner of every major Irish Dance title around the World. I have had the opportunity to travel the World in various Irish Dance productions such as Riverdance, as well as conducting dance workshops in all four corners of the globe from the age of 18. As a young instructor, I trained the first-ever female World Irish Dance Champion from Columbus and worked alongside my partner Byron to build a dance studio from, just 6 students to almost 175.

          Tell us a little bit about your family. 

          My mom and brother live in the UK. My partner Byron’s family are all here in Columbus.

          What do you like to do in your spare time? 

          Travel, volunteer in my local community, and sit on my porch!

          What are three things you cannot live without? 

          Dogs, pen and paper, traveling to London.

          Exploring Condos in Downtown Columbus

          Considering a condo purchase in downtown Columbus, Ohio? You may be ready to embrace maintenance-free living or feel drawn to the vibrant atmosphere of downtown living.

          Whatever the reason you are considering the purchase of a downtown Columbus condo, we are happy to tell you about a few of our favorites. Downtown Columbus offers a variety of diverse sub-neighborhoods each with a unique vibe that feeds into an overall energetic lifestyle and the same is true for the various condo communities available.


          The Dakota

          Located in the heart of the Short North Arts District at 845 N. High Street, The Dakota offers urban luxury condo living at its finest. Within walking distance to Goodale Park, restaurants, art galleries, boutique shops, it will be hard to find another condo with easier access to the entertainment, dining, and nightlife that downtown living has to offer.   

          Sterling Lofts 

          Located in the Brewery District at 544 S. Front Street, Sterling Lofts offers spectacular floor plans combined with low-maintenance urban living. Just a short walk from German Village, the restaurants, and entertainment venues in downtown Columbus, Sterling Lofts also offers easy access to parks and green space including Audobon Metro Park.  

          Beck Place Condominiums 

          Beck Place has been carefully designed for comfort, style, and convenience while honoring the rich history of German Village.  The townhome exteriors complement the traditional German Village facades familiar in the area while offering secured rear gated access. Beck Place Condos are located at 651 S. Grant Avenue and offer 20 unique floorplans with terraces that offer a piece of the outdoors. 

          The Jackson on High 

          The Jackson embraces the vibrant Short North lifestyle and stands on its own as a true work of art in the Arts District. Situated on the north side of the Shor North, The Jackson on High offers a sophisticated and luxurious living experience in one of the city’s most vibrant and dynamic areas. It is conveniently located near historical neighborhoods like Italian Village and Victorian Village and other major entertainment districts including Downtown Columbus, the Arena District, and The Ohio State University District.


          The Condominiums at North Bank Park 

          Built in 2007, The Condominiums at North Bank Park combines a spirit of old meets new. The tower features unobstructed views of the downtown area, with more modern finishes, while the industrial warehouse offers more traditional loft living. North Bank is a 20-story high-rise on the southeast end of the Arena District, located at 300 W Spring St.

          Parks Edge  

          Parks Edge condominiums feature 200 homes with breathtaking views of the downtown skyline and Scioto River. Residents enjoy a resort-style rooftop pool and hot tub, a fitness center, and more. 

          The Buggyworks 

          Located in the Arena District, The Buggyworks is a renovated historic warehouse originally developed by The Columbus Buggy Company in 1902. The 68 authentic urban loft condominiums are within walking distance of Nationwide Arena, Huntington Park, New Crew Stadium, The North Market, Goodale, and North Bank Parks. 


          Miranova is a luxury, 27-story condominium tower located just south of downtown Columbus along the Scioto River. Towering 314 feet in the air, Miranova is one of the tallest residential buildings in Ohio. The unique design and rounded glass allow all of the main rooms of each home to have the best views of the city and skyline.

          Waterford Tower 

          One of the premier high-rise condominiums on the downtown Columbus riverfront, The Waterford faces a breathtaking view of the city’s riverfront skyline. It is steps away from the Scioto Mile, Arena District, and Theater District. 

          Burnham Square 

          Designed to look both suburban and metropolitan, Burnham Square offers some of the best amenities around. This lush yet urban community features everything from brick-paved boulevards and open plazas to world-class venues and downtown conveniences, which means you’ll never have to travel far for fun. 

          Hartman Lofts 

          The Hartman Lofts, at 150 E Main Street, is an urban oasis near the Arena District in the heart of downtown Columbus. The Hartman Lofts are residential condominiums in a historical building that was originally a hotel dating back to 1901. Evoking a modern feel with mahogany wood ceilings and exposed brick walls. This six-story building features high-end lofts which were converted from hotel rooms to condos in 2006. In addition, the location couldn’t be more convenient with ample amounts of shopping, nightlife, and major freeways minutes away. 

          Neighborhood Launch 

          Located at the corner of Fourth and Gay, this nine-block community features brand-new brownstones that come in a variety of floorplans. There is also ample green space and gathering areas, as well as secure parking. The goal of Neighborhood Launch is to offer more than just a cluster of homes—it’s to create a network of neighbors who live, work, and play together. 

          At Vutech & Ruff, Cutler Real Estate, our commitment extends beyond merely finding you a property; we’re dedicated to making your home-buying journey a seamless and enjoyable experience. Discover the charm, convenience, and allure of condo living in Central Ohio through our blog, where expertise meets passion, and your dream home awaits.  

          5 Home Design Trends You’ll See in 2024

          In 2024, several home design trends have gained popularity, reflecting a blend of functionality, sustainability, and aesthetics. Here are some trends you might notice:

          Biophilic Design

          One big trend we’re seeing is bringing nature into your home through biophilic design. This type of design blurs the lines between the indoors and outdoors, using elements like indoor gardens, living walls, or natural materials like wood and stone. Other effective ways to lean into this trend include maximizing natural light where possible and incorporating more plants into your interior spaces.  

          Outdoor Living Spaces

          Homeowners are also spending more time outdoors, so there’s a growing interest in creating inviting outdoor living spaces. This includes designing functional and comfortable patios, decks, and garden areas equipped with amenities like outdoor kitchens, fire pits, and cozy seating areas. 

          Sustainable Materials

          Eco-conscious homeowners are increasingly turning to sustainable materials like bamboo, rattan, recycled wood, and reclaimed materials, alongside low-VOC paints. Not only do these choices minimize environmental impact, but they also help reduce waste and conserve energy, making them sought-after options in today’s design landscape. 

          Textured Walls

          Creating more engaging spaces is a major focus this year, and textured walls play a key role in achieving this goal. By adding depth and visual interest, textured walls break up the monotony of flat surfaces, injecting a sense of dimension into the room. Whether it’s through Venetian plaster or textured wallpaper, this dynamic element can transform your space, making it more visually stimulating and inviting for everyone who enters. 

          “Grandmillenial” Style

          Another trend gaining traction among homeowners is Grandmillennial style, which combines traditional and modern elements to evoke nostalgia while maintaining comfort and coziness. This style involves mixing vintage decor, floral prints, antique furniture, and classic patterns with contemporary pieces and bold colors to achieve a fresh and eclectic aesthetic.


          At Vutech and Ruff, we’re excited to see what other innovative home design trends 2024 has in store. Contact us today to learn about our upcoming open houses and current available listings!